
Centralsorb®, is Blue-Zone’s patented system designed to  prevent the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Centralsorb® is ideal for hospitals that have their operating rooms centrally connected to a dedicated Anesthesia Gas Scavenging System.  The Centralsorb® is typically placed in the mechanical room of the hospital, collecting the waste anesthetic from multiple operating rooms.

Sample Installation

Adding Centralsorb to your existing Anesthetic Gas Scavenging System is very easy and takes minimal space in the mechanical room.

How it Works


Blue-Zone’s Patented Deltasorb® and Centralsorb® technology can capture a significant portion of your waste anesthetic gas (WAG) depending on circumstances.



WAG is extracted from canisters through desorption and regenerated canisters are returned to our customers.


The raw material from our desorption process is then used in our patented distillation process.

Sustainable Source

The outcome of this isolation process is inhalation anesthetic drug product suitable for use in patients subject to regulatory approval.